Tools section

When users subscribe to tools or make tools by themselves and import them into the project, they can view them under the tools section. Of course, users can also complete some small operations on the tools on the page.

Tool copy

When a tool image contains multiple sub-functions, the user can select the uploaded tool and click the copy button above the tool list to copy the tool image to create a new tool, and complete the parameter configuration of another sub-function on the new tool details page , So that users do not need to make and upload tool image again, and can quickly complete tool creation on the page.

When you need to re-develop the resources subscribed for free, you can select the subscribed tool and copy it. The copied tool will be open for editing, and you can modify it at will.

There is a search box at the top of the tool list, where users can search for keywords to find the tools they want.

Tool version control

FlowHub provides version management for tools, mainly for platform developers. When tools need to be updated, users can use the fkit tool to complete the tool update. After the update, the tool will generate a new version, and the new version number will appear in the corresponding tool list. For details, please refer to Fkit Command Line Tool Introduction-New Tool Version. If the modification of the tool image is not involved, but only the adjustment of some parameters in the tool command, you can click the corresponding tool, enter the tool details, click the edit button on the right of the version at the top right (subscribed tools cannot be edited). You can reconfigure the tool parameters on the editing page. After clicking Save, it will be saved as a new version. It should be noted that when a tool is referenced by a process, you cannot edit the referenced version. You can create a new version, then go to the corresponding process to delete the tool that needs to be replaced in the process, and drag in the new tool again to set up the process, then the old tool can be deleted without being referenced by the process.

Tool delete

When the tool is no longer needed by the project, users can select the tool they want to delete and click the delete button above the tool list to complete the deletion. Note that when a tool is used by a flow, the tool cannot be deleted. You need to delete the flow that references the tool before you can delete the tool. This is to prevent accidental deletion, resulting in unavailability of the flow and failure of the job. When deleting, you need to pay attention to the corresponding version of the delete tool, or delete all versions of the tool (it will not be deleted successfully when it is referenced).

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