Developer's technology stack

To become a developer of the FlowHub platform, you need have some basic knowledge about systems/tools .

Nevertheless, FlowHub's development model is relatively user-friendly, and the learning curve is not steep. If you read our development documents carefully, you can basically create a tool independently.

Background knowledge have to know before development:

1.Command line operation of different systems, such as Windows Power Shell / Linux / Mac OS

  1. The use of Docker, you can refer to the document of ’ what is docker?’ , You can also search for related tutorials.
  2. The use of Fkit tool, please refer tothe document of’ Introduction of Fkit command line tool’. Fkit is a FlowHub command line tool developed and compiled in go language. You don't need to know what is the go language , just pay attention to how to use Fkit tool.
  3. Students with basic knowledge can learn the use of git.
  4. We recommend using Dockerfile to build our tool image.

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