Data usage and protection of FlowHub Platform

What information does FlowHub Platform collect

User personal information means personal information about our users, which can be used alone or combined with other information to identify their ID, or be reasonably associated with them in other ways. Information such as user name and password, email address, real name, Internet Protocol (IP) address, and photo are typical "user personal information."

User personal information does not include aggregated non-personally identifiable information, that is information that cannot identify users or is not reasonably related to them. We may use such aggregated non-personally identifiable information for research purposes, as well as operation, analyze, improve and optimize our website and services.

Information provided by users directly to FlowHub Platform

Registration message

When creating an account, we need you to provide some basic information. When creating a username and password, we will ask you to provide a valid email address.

Payment Information

If you register for our paid account, send money through FlowHub Platform or purchase a data package on the FlowHub Platform community, we will collect your full name, address and credit card information or third-party payment information. Please note that FlowHub Platform will not process or store your credit card information or third-party payment information, but our third-party payment processor will do so. If you list and sell data packages on FlowHub Platform, we need your bank account information.

Personal profile information

You can choose to provide us with more information in your account profile, such as your full name, profile picture, photos, resumes, geographic locations, company and third-party website URL, Such information may include user personal information. Please note that your personal profile information may be displayed to other users of our services.

Information be automatically collected by FlowHub Platform when you use the service

Trading Information

If you have our paid account and sell the data packages listed on FlowHub Platform, we will automatically collect some information about your transactions in the service, such as the date, time and charged amount .

Use information

If you visit our service or website, we will automatically collect some basic information like most service providers, but we will obtain your consent when necessary. This includes information about how you use the service, such as the pages you view, recommended sites, your IP address and session information, and the date and time of each request. This is the information we collect for every visitor to our website, regardless of whether they have an account. Such information may include user personal information.

As described below, we use cookies to automatically collect information (such as cookie ID and settings) to keep you logged in, remember your preferences, identify you and your device, and analyze your use of the service.

Device Information

We may collect certain information about your device, such as its IP address, browser or client application information, language preferences, operating system and application version, device type and ID, and device model and manufacturer. Such information may include user personal information.

Collect information from third parties

FlowHub Platform may collect user personal information from third parties. For example, if you sign up for a training or obtain information about FlowHub Platform from our suppliers, partners, or affiliates. FlowHub Platform does not purchase user personal information from third-party data intermediaries.

What information is not collected by FlowHub Platform

We will not intentionally collect sensitive personal information, such as personal information showing race or ethnicity, political opinion, religion or belief, or union membership; genetic data or biological data processing information used to uniquely identify natural persons; data related to health or related to natural persons sexual life or sexual orientation data. If you choose to store any sensitive personal information on our servers, you are responsible for complying with any regulatory controls on that data.

We will not intentionally collect user personal information stored in your repository or other free content input. Any personal information in the user repository is the responsibility of the repository owner.

How FlowHub Platform uses your information

We may use your information for the following purposes:

a)We use your registration information to create your account and provide you with services. b)We use your payment information to provide paid account services, community services, or any other FlowHub Platform paid services you request. c)We use your user personal information, especially your username, to identify you on FlowHub Platform. d)We use your personal information to fill in your account profile and share it with other users according to your requirements. e)We use your email address to communicate with you, but we need your consent, and your consent is the prerequisite. Please see our email communications section for more information. f)We use user personal information to respond to support requests. g)We may use user personal information to invite you to participate in surveys, beta programs, or other research projects, but we will obtain your consent when necessary. h)We use usage information and device information to better understand how users use FlowHub Platform and to improve our website and services. i)For security purposes, or to investigate possible fraud or attempt to harm FlowHub Platform or the behavior of our users, we may use your user personal information. j)We may use your user personal information to fulfill our legal obligations, protect our intellectual property rights and enforce our terms of service. k)Our use of user personal information is limited to the purposes listed in this privacy statement. If we want to use your user personal information for other purposes, we need your prior permission. In your user profile, you can always see what information we have, how we use it, and what permissions you have granted us.

How do we share the collected information

We may share your user personal information with third parties in the following situations:

After telling you what information we will share, with whom and why, if you agree, we will share your user personal information. For example, if you purchase a data package or flow listed on our community, we will share your user name so that the developer can provide you with services. In addition, you can instruct us to share your user personal information by operating on FlowHub Platform. For example, if you join an organization, you are willing to provide the organization owner with permission to view your activities in the organization’s access log.

Share with service provider

We will share user personal information with a limited number of service providers, who process this information for us to provide or improve our services, and agree to abide by privacy restrictions similar to our privacy statement by signing a data protection agreement or making similar commitments. Our service providers perform payment processing, customer support incident tickets, network data transmission, security and other similar services.

For security purposes

If you are a member of a project, FlowHub Platform may share your username, usage information, and device information associated with the owner and administrator of the project, but the purpose of providing such information is limited to investigation or response to possible impact or a security incident that compromises the security of that particular project.

Disclosure required by law

In order to comply with legal procedures and fulfill legal obligations, FlowHub Platform strives to increase transparency. If the law enforces or requires the disclosure of user information, we will make reasonable efforts to notify the user, unless the law or court order does not allow us to notify, or in rare cases of emergency, we are too late to notify. FlowHub Platform may disclose the user's personal information or other information we collect to law enforcement agencies based on valid subpoenas, court orders, search warrants, or similar government orders, or in good faith, we believe that such disclosure is necessary to fulfill our legal obligations , When it helps protect the property or rights of us, third parties, or the public, we will do the same.

Change or sale of control**

If we participate in a merger, sale or acquisition of corporate entities or business units, we may share user personal information. In the event of such changes in ownership, we will ensure that the confidentiality of users’ personal information is protected in accordance with the terms and conditions, and we will notify you on the website or via email before transmitting any of your user’s personal information. The organization that receives any user's personal information must abide by every commitments we make in the privacy statement or terms of service.

Aggregated non-personally identifiable information

We will share certain aggregated non-personally identifiable information with others, including our users' overall use of FlowHub Platform or users' reactions to other aspects of us (such as our meetings or events).

We will not sell your user personal information for money or other rewards.

Access to personal repository

If your repository is a personal repository, you can control the access to content. If it contains user personal information or sensitive personal information, FlowHub Platform can only access that information in accordance with this privacy statement. FlowHub Platform staff are not allowed to access the contents of personal repositories unless: a)For security purposes b)Assist the repository owner with support matters c)Maintain service integrity d)Fulfill our legal obligations e)We have reason to believe that its content is illegal, or with your consent Although we generally do not search the content in your repository, we may scan our servers and content to detect certain tokens or security signatures, malware with known activity, known dependency vulnerabilities, or Other content that is known to violate our terms of service.

Other important information

Public information on FlowHub Platform

Many of FlowHub Platform's services and functions are open to the public. If your content is for the public, third parties may access and use it in accordance with our terms of service. We will not sell your content; it is your property. However, we will allow third parties (such as research or archiving organizations) to compile FlowHub Platform information for the public. It is reported that other third parties such as data brokers will also search FlowHub Platform and compile data.

User personal information related to your content may be collected by third parties in these FlowHub Platform data compilations.

If you want to compile FlowHub Platform data, you must comply with our terms of service and privacy policy, and you can only use any public-facing user personal information collected for purposes authorized by our users. For example, if a FlowHub Platform user discloses an email address for identification and attribution purposes, please do not use the email address to send unsolicited emails to the user or sell user personal information (such as to recruiters, headhunters, and It is sold by job agencies) for commercial advertising. We hope that you reasonably protect every user personal information collected from FlowHub Platform, and must respond to FlowHub Platform or FlowHub Platform users’ complaints, deletion and "don't touch" requests in a timely manner. Similarly, the public user personal information contained in the project on FlowHub Platform may be collected during the collaboration process.

Project organization

You can indicate that you are willing to share your personal user information by operating on FlowHub Platform. If you collaborate with an organization or become a member of an organization, its account owner may receive your user personal information. When you accept an invitation from an organization, you will be told what type of information the owner can see. If you accept the invitation of an organization with a verification domain, the owner of that organization will be able to view your full email address in the organization's verification domain.

Please note that FlowHub Platform may share your username, usage information, and device information with the owner of your organization, but the purpose of providing personal information of these users is limited to investigating or responding to security that may affect or harm the security of that particular organization event.

How do you access and control the information we collect

If you are already a FlowHub Platform user, you can access, update, change or delete your basic user profile information by editing your user profile or contacting FlowHub Platform for support . You can restrict information in your profile, update your personal information, or contact FlowHub Platform support to control the information we collect.

If FlowHub Platform processes your information, such as information that FlowHub Platform obtains from a third party, but you do not have an account, you can access, update, change, delete, or object to the processing of your personal information by contacting FlowHub Platform support in accordance with laws .

Data portability

As a FlowHub Platform user, you can take away your data at any time. For example, you can clone your repository to your desktop, or you can use our data migration tool to download the information we have about you.

Data retention and deletion

Generally speaking, as long as your account is active or needs to provide you with services, FlowHub Platform will retain your user personal information.

If you want to cancel your account or delete user personal information, you can make it in user profile. We will retain and use your information as needed, to fulfill our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements, but unless required by law, we will delete your complete information within 90 days (within a reasonable time) after your request. You can contact FlowHub Platform Support to request us deleted your information within 30 days, but you need to obtain our consent. After deleting the account, certain data, such as contributions to other user repositories and comments on other topics, remain.

We use cookies and tracking technology

FlowHub Platform only uses absolutely necessary cookies. Cookies are text files that a website usually stores on a visitor's computer hard drive or mobile device.

We only use cookies to provide, guarantee and improve our services. For example, we use them to keep you logged in, remember your preferences, identify your device for security purposes, analyze your usage of the service, compile statistical reports, and provide information for the future development of FlowHub Platform. We use our own cookies for analysis, but do not use any third-party analysis service providers.

By using our services, you agree that we will place these types of cookies on your computer or device. If you prohibit your browser or device from accepting these cookies, you will not be able to log in or use our services.

How does FlowHub Platform protect your information

FlowHub Platform takes all reasonably necessary measures to protect users' personal information from unauthorized access, alteration or destruction; maintain data accuracy; and help ensure the proper use of users' personal information.

FlowHub Platform implements a clearly stated safety information program. Our program:

a)Compliance with industry-recognized framework; b)Including reasonably designed security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability and flexibility of user data; c)Suitable for the nature, scale and complexity of FlowHub Platform business operations; d)Including incident response and data breach notification procedures; and compliance with applicable information security laws and regulations in the regions where FlowHub Platform conducts business.

If there is a data leakage incident involving users' personal information, we will take immediate measures to mitigate the impact of the leakage and promptly notify all affected users.

Data transmission on FlowHub is encrypted by SSH and HTTPS (TLS). We manage our own cages and racks in top data centers, with excellent physical and network security, and encrypt data stored through third-party storage providers.

No method of transmission or electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, we can not guarantee its absolute safety.

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