FlowHub Platform Privacy Statement

This privacy statement will explain the types of data and information which collected by FlowHub Platform when you use our services, how FlowHub Platform collect information, and the way you (the user) can manage FlowHub Platform how to use your information. Accessing or using FlowHub Platform means that you agree to this privacy policy, and FlowHub Platform has the right to use your information in accordance with this privacy policy.

1.What data do we collect

when you are using FlowHub Platform, we may collect this following types of information:

1.1Submitted data

You can provide us with various types of data including gene sequencing data, such as uploading FASTQ files or gz compressed files, etc. Relevant data includes data information directly or indirectly related to the analysis, such as serial numbers, medical phenotypes, or special field information descriptions.

1.2Payment information

In order to pay for the service, you may be required to submit payment information, such as credit card number and billing address.

1.3 Account Information

During or after the account registration process, we may ask you to provide real contact information including but not limited to email addresses. In addition, your account may be associated with other accounts through a mechanisms such as project permissions.

1.4 Event information

When you are using our services, we will keep a log of your activities, such as the pages you visit, the time when the task start, and how to call our API.

1.5 Other information

You can provide us other information by communicating with our team, for example by sending an email to our support team or submitting suggestions via the feedback form. Our email address is flowhub_team@flowhub.com.cn

1.6 Market Information

In order to better understand user interests and how to improve products, we will collect information about user or potential user , such as matching users who belong to the same organization.

2.the purpose of we use these data

We store and process the submitted data in your name, for example the situation you use this data to run a process. In order to support you, we need to access and process your genomic data, such as running some tests to debug failed tasks. Your data is processed and stored on by third-party service, and all data is encrypted in these processes.

We only use your payment information when charging for services, and your payment information is stored and processed by third-party service . We may use your account information to contact with you about your use of our services, such as letting you know that a task has been completed or notifying you about our services and products. We may also collect user account information to better understand your use and interest in the platform. Your account information may be stored by a third-party service provider, such as Alibaba Cloud. We may use user activity information and information provided by other users to stabilize, improve and better understand your use of our services, and to analyze the services and products we provide. This information may be stored or processed by third-party service providers on our behalf.

If you make explicit choices about data permissions, we may share the data you submit and certain elements of your account information with other users who are permitted to join your project. Your username may also be automatically shared with these users.

When we judge it is necessary, we may provide your information to a third-party to meet any legal requirements or mandatory government requests. It also may be provide to identify, contact or take legal action against someone, where he/she may (intentionally or unintentionally) cause harm or infringe our rights, property, users and everyone who may be harmed by these activities.

In any form of company reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, transfer, transfer, or any processing of all or part of the business of FlowHub Platform, we can transfer these user information to a third-party.

We will not use your data in ways not mentioned in this privacy policy without your consent.

3. control your data

After logging in the system, you can click on the user profile picture at the top of right of the page to enter the personal center to access and edit most of the elements of your account information. You can see the data information related to you through the navigation menu at the top of the page.

You can control who can access your project, including the access data you submit. Access permissions can be adjusted according to the needs of a project participant, including independent permissions to upload data, view data, modify data, share data, perform tasks, and manage projects. (Note: Allowing users to manage projects may allow them to grant themselves further permissions.) You can also access and delete the data you submit from the "Files" section of a project.

If you want to apply for further access, correction or deletion of your information we have, please contact us by send email to flowhub_team@flowhub.com.cn . We will do our best to meet your needs within a reasonable range.

4 .more information

4.1 Linking to third-party websites

The website and services of FlowHub Platform may contain links to websites and services maintained by third- party. This privacy policy does not apply to these third-party websites and services, and FlowHub Platform does not make any statements about their behavior and does not assume any responsibility. Third-party websites and services may collect and disclose your information in various ways, and may have different rules and policies for the collection, disclosure, and use of such information.

4.2 Questions, Comments and Complaints

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints about this privacy policy or the use of your personal information, please contact us, our email address is flowhub_team@flowhub.com.cn.

4.3Changes in privacy policy

We may update or modify the privacy policy on a regular basis, and we will post the changes about this privacy policy on the website of FlowHub Platform. Please check it in time. In some cases, we may also notify you of relevant information via email or other methods.

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