File upload and download

File Upload

The FlowHub platform supports users to click upload on the file page of the project, but for file batch upload or large file upload, we recommend using the fkit command.

# Note:upload a single file, use’ -s ‘to specify the local file path, and use’ -t ‘to specify the file path of the project corresponding to the FlowHub page.
./fkit upload -s ./data.txt -t /

# Note:Upload  folder, use ‘-s’ to specify the local folder path, pay attention to the last need to bring ‘/’, use ‘-t ‘to specify the file path of the corresponding project on the FlowHub page.
./fkit upload -s ./data/ -t /

The file path corresponding to the project refers to the file path in the File section on the FlowHub page. The default root directory is /. After uploading, you will find the uploaded file/folder in the corresponding project.


1)When uploading, it will report an error when there is a local file with the same name. 2)The folder in the command line needs to be accompanied by ‘/’ at the end to identify it as a folder 3)An error will be reported when the user has insufficient authority for the project. 4)An error will be reported when the user balance is insufficient.

File download

# Note:download a single file,  use ’-s ‘to specify the file path of the project corresponding to the FlowHub page ,use’ -t ‘to specify the local file path .
./fkit download -s /data.txt -t ./

# Note:download  folder,  use ‘-s ‘to specify the file path of the corresponding project on the FlowHub page,pay attention to the last need to bring ‘/’, and use ‘-t’ to specify the local folder path.
./fkit download -s ./data/ -t ./

File download is similar to file upload, except that the ‘-s’ and ‘-t’ parameters are swapped. ‘-s’ indicates the location of the file on the FlowHub platform.


1)When downloading, it will report an error when there is a local file with the same name. 2)The folder in the command line needs to be accompanied by ‘/’ at the end to identify it as a folder 3)An error will be reported when the user has insufficient authority for the project. 4)An error will be reported when the user balance is insufficient.

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