Personal center

Your personal information can help other users uniquely identify you on FlowHub, so that other users can establish contact with you or invite project teams to work together on FlowHub.


The user name is the nickname you set when you register your account. The nickname supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, underscores and Chinese characters, and is unique and cannot be changed.


FlowHub needs to register through an email address that can receive emails normally. After verification, the registered email address can be used to login FlowHub with a password.

Authorization code

"AccessKey" and "AccessSecret" are 32-bit long characters generated from letters and numbers, and is a unique identification code associated with your account. This token is needed when you use the fkit tool to interact with the platform. For details, please refer to the document about project. If the token code is leaked, please refresh it in time. Please click modify on the right side of the token column to update the unique identification code.


We recommend that you change your password regularly and set a password that contains at least two letters, symbols or numbers and longer than 6 digits to protect your account security. You can modify the password by clicking modify on the right side of the Password column. If you forget your password, please click forget password in the login window to reset your password by verifying the registered email address.

Deactivate account

If you need to temporarily deactivate your account, you can deactivate account function. Please note that if you confirm and enable disabled account service, the uploaded and saved data information in your account will be deleted. You need to re-upload and enable other services after restoring your account. Please proceed with caution.

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