Create a project

After login, you will enter the project management page. You can click the plus logo in the project list on the left to quickly create a project.

All files/tools/tasks operation of the platform are completed under the project. You can create multiple projects to meet different analysis needs.

As shown in the figure, we created a project named demo, filled in a simple project description, and did not add any other members.

When we create successfully, we will jump back to the project management page.

At this time, a new project will be added to the project list, named "demox (display)", where display is the user name and demox is the project name.

The name is marked with a color on the top right. Different color marks represent different user access rights to the project. A message list will appear in the middle. All user operations on the project will be recorded and displayed here. Different message labels represent different message types.

The following is a description of the permissions corresponding to the different color marks.

Color    Role    Permissions
Blue   Developer     Administrator, who can access the project, and modify files /tools/processes, upload and download files/tools,  submit jobs;
Orange  Deliverer    Deliverer, who can access the project, only has the right to download files;
Gray  Viewer       Visitors, only have permission to access the project;

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